Supplier Enquiries | How To Get Your Products Stocked in Copper & Grey

Welcome to the Copper & Grey Supplier Information Page.

We are delighted that you are interested in introducing your products to our shop. At Copper & Grey, we strive to curate a diverse and high-quality range of products that meet the needs and preferences of our customers.

As we consider new additions to our inventory, we value partnerships with suppliers who share our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

In order for us to make an informed decision regarding new suppliers, there's information we require. Please follow the Submission Guidelines below to help us make that decision as quickly and easily as possible.

In-person meetings regarding stocking your products will only take place with a pre-arranged appointment. 

Supplier Submission Guidelines


  •  Let us see your Wholesale range. Our preferred format for this is with a Linesheet delivered via email. 
  • Alternatively, if you have an online catalogue or wholesale website, please send us the link and any login details.

Information We Need:

We can't make a decision regarding your products without knowing the following information, so please make sure you include it in your email, linesheet or catalogue.

  • Wholesale prices & RRP
  • Lead Times
  • Payment Terms
  • Area Exclusivity/Other nearby stockists (Aberdeen, Banchory & St Andrews locations)

Evaluation Process

Once we receive your submission, we will carefully review the provided information.

We may follow up with additional questions or request a meeting to review samples.

 Decisions will be based on the alignment of your product with our brand, its potential appeal to our customers, and the overall suitability for our shops.

Thank you for considering Copper & Grey as a potential retail partner.

We look forward to learning more about your products and exploring the possibility of bringing them to our customers.

Faire Marketplace

Faire is an online marketplace where retailers can purchase from wholesalers of all sizes. If you're not in a position to offer Credit Terms to your stockists, Faire is a good option as they can give stockists 60 days credit terms. This is a real bonus for shops that are heavily reliant on cashflow, such as bricks and mortar retail.

You can sign up for Faire via our REFERRAL LINK
